Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dare To Dream: The Power of Goals Part II

You may be wondering to yourself. "Wow. if setting goals are so powerful in helping you succeed, then why doesn't everybody set goals?

When we grew up, we all had a big dreams and goals about future. We dreamed about being doctors, firemen, movie stars and heroes. Unfortunately, as we grew up many of us gave up contiuning to think about our goals and we stopped setting new ones.

3 main reasons

Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a feeling of confidence and self worth. When I was in poly I really do not what I want. And I think that's the reason why I'm in poly because I did not have goals in life at that point. "I can't make it" & "I'm a loser" is a common thing that I say to myself especially when I failed in exams or got scolding from teachers. Now at this current point of my life my goals are beginning to set light. At least I can say I'm in the process!

Now remember this, just like in the movie matrix. This world is built to make you believe in things that are not true. You have tremendous potential within you and that if others can, so can you! You! reading this, Yes YOU deserve to have the very besy in life. Once you undertand this, you will begin to set high goals for yourself.

Some people do not believe in Goals

They do not know the results it can bring in setting goals. They will say "cannot la! last time set before also cannot achieve...". Its not that setting goals did not work for them but rather they did not work hard enough towards their goals or because they used the wrong strategy and gave up halfway.

Setting goals will not bring you sucess. It's not like u set your goals and then you begin to watch tv, read magazines, play computer games etc... then one fine day u wake up, BANG! you become successful! WTF man. It's not like that, instead it MUST be backed up with lots of action and undying determination.

Fear of Failure & Embarrassment

Sometimes we are afraid. We set goals like scoring DIST for all the modules this semester. And ppl laugh at us when we tell them. And what happens when we really did not achieved it? Ppl continue to make a joke out of us.

Many of my friends are successful students. What do they have in common? They set goals and do not believe in failure. When they failed, they do not look at it as failure, Instead, they look at it as an outcome they can learn from. As a result they will not feel bad abt it. They know that as long as they learn something and keep taking action, they will eventually reach their goals.

If ppl do laugh at your goals, use it to empower and motivate yourself even more!

I not a millionaire or CEO of some company. Maybe u will say who the f*** are you to teach me how to be successful or you may think I'm more successful than you now.
Well if u go for Adam Khoo's workship, he is going to say the same thing.
I can't convince you now, but when you are at the highest level you know that all these is true. And I'm sure all the successful people out there would agree with me.