Monday, January 13, 2014

Will You Go Out Without Knowing?

Hebrews 11:8
He went out, not knowing where he was going

Have you ever "gone out" in this way? If so, there is no logical answer possible when anyone asks you what you are doing. One of the most difficult questions to answer in Christian work is "What do you expect to do?" You don't know what you are going to do. The only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing. Continually  examine your attitude toward God to see if you are willing to "go out" in every area of your life, trusting in God entirely. It is this attitude that keeps you in constant wonder, because you don't know what God is going to do next. Each morning as you wake, there is a new opportunity to "go out," building your confidence in God. ".. do not worry about your life... nor about the body... " "Luke 12:22. In other words, don't worry about the things that concerned you before you did "go out."

Have you been asking God what He is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do--- He reveals to you who He is. Do you believe in a miracle-working God, and will you "go out" in complete surrender to Him until you are not surprised one iota by anything He does?

Believe God is always the God you know Him to be when you are nearest to Him. Then think how unnecessary and disrespectful worry is! Let the attitude of your life be a continued willingness to "go out" in dependence upon God, and your life will have a sacred and inexpressible charm about it that is very satisfying to Jesus, You must learn to "go out" through your convictions, creeds, or experiences until you come to the point in your faith where there is nothing between yourself and God

(Extracted from "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Angry Mob

In relation to the recent little india riot, would like to quote some part of the article from a book I read.

Why Mobs Become Angry

An angry mob or group of protestors fighting for a mutual purpose does not react in the same way as an individual does when his territory is invaded; in fact, something very different occurs. As the density of the crowd increases, each individual has less personal space and starters to feel hostile, which is why, as the size of the mob increases, it becomes angrier and uglier and fights may break out. The police try to break up the crowd so that each person can regain his own personal space and become calmer.

Only in recent years have governments and town planners begun to understand the effect that high density housing projects have in depriving individuals of their personal territory. The consequences of high density living and overcrowding were seen in a study of the deer population on James Island, an island about a mile (2km) off the coast of Maryland in Chesapeake Bay in the United States. Many of the deer were dying in large numbers, despite the fact that at the time there was plenty of food, predators were not evident and infection was not present. Similar studies in earlier years with rats and rabbits revealed the same trend and further investigation showed that the deer has died as a result of overactive adrenal glands, resulting from stress caused by the degradation  of each deer's personal territory as the population increased. The adrenal glands play an important part in the regulation of growth, reproduction and the level of the body's defences. A physiological reaction to the stress of over population had caused the deaths, not starvation, infection or aggression from others. They is why areas that have the highest human population density also have the highest crime and violence rates.

Interrogators use territorial invasion techniques to break down resistance of criminals being questioned. They seat the criminal on an armless, fixed chair in an open area of the room and encroach into his intimate and close Intimate Zones when asking questions, remaining there until he answers. It often takes only a short while for this territorial harassment to break down the crimina's resistance....

"One of our deepest urges is the desire to own land, This compulsion comes from the fact that it gives us the space freedom we need."

I believed many factors added to the severity of the riot. With Singapore getting more crowded than before I think its the reason why we are witnessing more protests, more crime rates and more hostile people around. I hope God will provide divine wisdom to help our leaders solve the problem and not divert/curb/ isolate (whatever you call it) it.